Saturday, 19 January 2013

Pinning Interest

I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with the site Pinterest. As the name suggest, you "pin" everything that interests you and it goes directly to your pinterest site. While some websites don't allow you from pinning their site contents, still there's loads of interesting sites out there giving free access to their photos.

Pinterest can be a very handy tool. It can be a collaboration of many things. From color palette for your new room, planning of special events, fashion inspiration boards, interior designs for your humble abode, favourite celebrities, influential people, healthy lifestyle, and almost anything that you love. It's as easy as taking a photo, placing it on your old-fashioned photo album, putting a label under it and sharing it with family and friends.

Here's my pinterest site. It was 2 years ago, I think, when I got interested in pinning photos that I adore. It's an enjoyable way to entertain yourself, that can be addicting. Once you start your first "pin", you can never get enough. Can be time-consuming for one, it can also be mind-wobbling but in a good way. With the intention of the website to organize all your interests in every aspect of life, it urges your brain to separate items you like form what you don't like as soon as you see them. What category to make and what photo to put in which category are the most crucial part in doing a Pinterest. Yes you can just pin anything and pin it everywhere, but you're spoiling the rationale that the site depicts.

Nonetheless, you can do as you please. There's loads of interesting and inspiring pinboards out there that I'm sure can get you started. Just like any other social media, it allows the user to share the things they love, like their pinboards and "re-pin" them unto their own pinboards. Start Pinning!

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