Upon waking up, what's the first thing that you do? Reach for the iphone or ipad beside you, right? Guilty. I confess, I'm one of those who consider Facebook as a Morning Paper.
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. But in some ways, it does give me informative news. From the celebrity breakups, natural calamities in our province, murders in different areas, pound to peso exchange rate, prank videos, newest fashion and food trends, political views, down to the birth of another member of our clan, the death of a friend's love one, celebration of a family member's birthday, and the list goes on. If you are not an avid reader, like me, you could really scoop out loads of facts just by browsing through this social media called Facebook. You'll be able to know the story behind each event just by the bits and pieces being provided by the facebook addicts.
People nowadays have the habit of sharing to the entire universe what they do every second of everyday, what makes them happy, what makes them sad. They share almost everything. In my personal opinion, there can be a positive and negative side to it. When negativity strikes, some individual gets annoyed when someone continously bombards their wall with unnecessary updates regarding their life or with someone else's life. No one cares about your life, so why announce it to the public. On the positive side, there are some who tolerates these notifications. They are those who are more than happy to read all about the happenings in the world. They too have their own share of moments to offer to everyone.
As for me, I can sometimes be both, when my mood permits me. Even so, I still wake up to that social media as my first sight to keep me posted, just like the morning paper.
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