12 January 2013, Saturday
Been looking forward to our ice skating escapade for weeks, and then it happened. Another tick off my "dream list" :)
Mark, Yric, Rhea & I left home half past two, i assume. It was a long journey from Harrow on the Hill tube station to
Canary Wharf, so i think the four of us dozed off during the travel. Upon arriving, we hurriedly walked to the ticketing booth to catch the 3:00pm skating session, but unfortunately it was already fully booked, so we opted for the 5:30pm session. After buying the tickets, we decided to took a stroll around the area, watched some of the ice sculptures and had a warming cup of coffee at Starbucks. We were at the coffee shop for almost 2 hours, giggling over almost anything. From the "DEREK" name which was mistakenly written on the cup of Yric, to the prank video that we saw on Youtube.
Around 5:00 in the afternoon, we decided to go back to the rink. Upon entering, there were already loads of people inside. Adults, kids, male, female, you name it, they're there. We locked in our bags and valuables, exchanged our walking shoes for the skating boots, tried on the skates, made an effort to walk on those skates which was a success by the way, and took pictures of course. I was really nervous at that time. I'm shocked that i can easily stand and walk in those skates on the carpeted surface, since it was my first time, but I was thinking how difficult it would be when I reach the ice. I've heard some stories from Mark and the others that they fell many times before getting the hang of it. I was so scared of falling. Imagine hitting your bum or any part of your body for that matter, on a very cold slippery surface. Not fun at all.
After a few minutes, there was an announcement that the session before us is about to end and that we were asked to gather outside the rink. Walking and waiting outside with the chilly wind increased my anxiety. Watching the previous skaters glide through the rink with perfect motion didn't help at all. Here goes nothing, I said to myself. I was giving Mark a very tight grip while walking inside the rink. I instantly grabbed the sturdy railing on my right and started pushing my feet to move. It was very difficult, I tell you. The fear of falling never escaped my mind. Thankfully, I reached the center of the rink, with the ever-helpful guide of Mark without any sign of fall whatsoever. We took pictures and videos as we go along.

The session was to last for an hour, so I was telling myself that if I can't learn how to glide tonight, it'll be a waste of time and money. Even the simplest skating movement will suffice. During those few minutes, I don't want Mark to be far from me, and I always held a steady grip on the railing. After observing the talented skaters which were so aggressive may I add, I was slowly gliding away from Mark and skating on my own. Hurrah! It was at a very slow pace but worth the effort. Quick-moving skaters drifted on both sides, which scared me. There were even three instances when I almost lost my balance because the skaters passing by me was in high speed. Luckily, they grabbed me immediately, noticing I'm a first-timer, to secure my balance.
Over-all, it was a wonderful skating experience. But the one-hour session time was not enough, we were aching for more. We'll try again next year, since the skating rink only opens during winter season.