Is it real or am becoming a little too excited about the kicking of my baby. I'm starting to feel a few small kicks (i think) below my tummy. I can't tell if it's just my grumbling tummy, the acid working inside there or really the baby is kicking. It feels like tiny flickering-magnetic energy inside me. Just like the involuntary twitching of the eye, the lips, a muscle and any part of the body. It feels that way. I've experienced a few of those so I was thinking it may be that. But then realising that I have a human being inside me makes me think otherwise.
I wonder if my baby will also show us his/her tiny foot like this |
Mark, who is more excited than I, has the fervent belief that it is indeed the baby's kick. Whenever I tell him that I think I feel the baby kick, he'll immediately place his palm on my tummy. But regretfully, it doesn't happen. Naughty baby doesn't want dad to feel it though.
We're beginning to feel more and more thrilled for the coming months, with the baby's kick and all. Especially that on the 8th of May we'll be having our second scan. We're hoping to know the baby's gender by then. Mark's rooting for a boy and ofcourse I'm on for a girl. But whatever the gender be, our little angel will surely be a very special one.
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