I'm beginning to think that I've talked too soon about not feeling anything unusual during my pregnancy. Since the start of February, I think I began to feel the so-called "morning sickness" which by the way shouldn't be called by that name coz its a whole day sickness.
I always ask myself why it has to be this way. Why can it be just a normal day for a pregnant woman.
(Summarizing my daily experiences since February 1)
Almost every morning I don't feel like getting out of bed. When I feel hungry, there's always the urge to taste everything in sight, but when I start eating it I don't want it anymore. Then I crave for some other to please my palette. Unfortunately, nothing seems to please me and it's so disappointing. In the middle of the day, I always end up taking a nap even though I didn't do anything physically draining.
February 1 Friday:
Had cereals, egg and choco drink for breakfast and prepared myself to go to the mall. Horray! We are to meet Thom at Westfield Shepherd's Bush, to help him pick out a suit for his prenup photoshoot late this month. While the boys, Mark and Thom went on with their suit-hunting, I was pleased to be left behind and do my own wardrobe hunting. One happy preggo. To cut the long story short, Thom got his suit, Mark was satisfied with his shirt and sweater purchased at Hollister at a very incredibly low price, and as for me, as I've said earlier, one-happy-preggo. Weird, how shopping can help pregnant women forget about their pregnancy discomforts. I should do this more often.
February 2 Saturday:
One of my housemate was cooking and i was awaken by the smell which was not an aromatic one according to my senses. Weird thing is that, before my pregnancy that same smell was the usual smell I always come in contact with when I'm cooking. But now, it seems like everything smells differently, everything smells bad. Then I asked Mark to get me a piece of that thing that's being cooked. Had a very small bite and then poof that's it I don't want it, I want another one. Mark decided to make me an oatmeal so I tried it also. Thankfully I get to eat half of it at least my tummy is happy.
February 3 Sunday:
Mark and I attended a birthday party later that night and I was really hungry when we arrived. So when we're asked to help ourselves with the array of food on the table, I didn't argue with them. Took small portions of each dish and placed it on my plate and begun munching my way to yummyland. I was still aching for more but sadly I think my baby doesn't want to. So I ended my meal with a few spoons of chocolate cake and thats it. When the other visitors who came late started eating, I was tempted to join, but no, my baby don't want another bite. How sad for mommy.
February 4 Monday:
Wasn't in the mood for a big hearty breakfast early this morning but I tried filling my stomach with a slice of sandwich, cereals and grapes. Slept for 3 hours after Mark went off to work, then woke up with a grumbling tummy. Prepared myself a whole sandwich, an oatmeal, some grapes and a small cupcake. I decided to cook some kare-kare for dinner, so when it was done, I have to try it so I did. The above-mentioned list of food items may seem aplenty but believe me they aren't. For a regular non-pregnant human being, it's considered an appetizer. More of an on-the-diet-person-meal.
I'm not planning on having a diet, not this time of the year. I know that my baby should have all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to grow fast and healthy. But I'm not sure if I'm giving my little angel enough of those because of my being picky. Hopefully, my doctor can address these problems when I get to have the appointment with him/her soon.
Another thing that's somewhat bothers me is that every after meal I burp a lot. I was thinking that instead of vomiting, I do this. It's not a burp after a full meal because I never am full after every meal, I'm feeling it's an indication that I have a lot of air inside my tummy and have to release it. Which can be very embarrassing. Imagine a lady burping like a gigantic man. That's how loud my burp is. Not to forget the bad smell of gas I release without any warning at all. How sexy is that.
I just hope that I can somewhat overcome these stage in my pregnancy. I'm sure every pregnant woman go through this phase but can there be an easier way through it?
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