Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A Baby Inside Me

So the fear of not having a baby inside my tummy is finally gone. Thanks to this modern invention called ultrasound. Funny and weird but true. Before my first scan, I have this thought stucked in my mind that maybe there's no baby inside. Aside from the usual pregnancy morning sickness that I was feeling, I can't feel anything human inside of me. Talk about paranoia. I wonder if most of the first time mothers out there felt the same. Anyways, now I'm fully aware that I'm indeed gonna be a mom.

I can't possibly find the perfect word to describe how I felt. Who would have thought that it can be an emotional encounter. Sadly Mark wasn't able to see the baby during the scan as he was just coming off from work the same time my scan started. He got to see the ultrasound photo though.

It was a cold windy morning but I pushed myself to get up from bed and prepare for the scan. Prepared breakfast and took a bath. Carried with me all the necessary documents I need for the appointment, a liter of water (to have a full bladder for the scan), and a banana (incase I got hungry). I decided to book a taxi rather than to take the bus as I was running a bit late. Quarter past eight was my appointment.

Arriving at the hospital, the first thought that came in was to inform Mark, so I texted him. But I hurriedly went to the reception area to let the clinic know of my presence. I was expecting to be seated for awhile but to my surprise, I was ushered into the scanning room a few seconds after I arrived. I even asked the ultrasound guy (not sure what to call him), if we could wait for Mark before we begin our scan but since I arrived a few minutes late, he politely declined my request and went on with his job.

He explained about the scan that would be done which is the Nuchal Scan, an early detection scan for Downs Syndrome. This is usually done during the first trimester of pregnancy. I was 13weeks and 4 days at that time. Honestly, I was a bit anxious when he started putting the ultrasound device on my tummy. In my mind, 'what if no baby appears on the screen'. Silly me. So I was in awe when I saw the little angel on the screen.

Our Little Angel
I was teary eyed but I contained myself. Blame it to the hormones. The baby was kicking and moving his/her arms while the scan was being done. I think he/she will be one handful kid. He (the ultrasound guy, sorry I forgot his name. I'm not really good in names right now) measured an area from the back of the baby and somewhere (also not good in medical terms) there which will be used for the detection of the downs syndrome. He told me that the baby is perfectly normal. All the parts are formed now and still growing. As for the downs syndrome, the results will be out a week after that said scan. Based on the ultrasound my estimated due date now is 21st of September, which was earlier than my first estimated due date which was on the 26th of September. My midwife also told me that the baby can come out three weeks before the due date.

It took us roughly fifteen minutes to do the scan then I was told to wait at the reception area for the documents. Exactly when I went out of the scanning room, I saw Mark. The nice lady at the reception even asked the ultrasound guy if Mark could see the baby on the screen since he was late. Gladly the guy approved and we were ushered into the scanning room again. The guy inside explained some of the things that were explained to me earlier but canot do much in showing Mark the actual moving baby on the screen. Hopefully he'll see the baby on the next scan.

We waited at the reception area and purchased a ticket for the photo of the scan. It costs 3.50 per photo. A few minutes later, we were given the documents back and then off to schedule my next scan with is on the 8th of May. We went straight to the antenatal clinic which is just across the ultrasound clinic, for another blood test. This one's much faster compared to my first blood test and the nurse took only a bottle for the sample.

Before I took the blood test, Mark and I first met with the midwife on duty and was given the blood test result from last weeks and explained to us that I was low in haemoglobin and needed to take some iron. The midwife then gave me a ferrous sulphate to be taken twice daily and told to ask for a GPs prescription for the same iron medicine when I consume all of the medicines given to me. Then she said that I was also a possible carrier of alpha thalassemia which is a blood disorder common in Mediterranean descent that is caused by the weakening of the red blood cells resulting to anemia. Having said that, the midwife advised us that Mark also undergo a blood test to check for the status of thalassemia in his blood. If the result turns out to be positive, we will be transferred to a specialist to concentrate more on that kind of disorder.

It took us an hour or two for that appointment and head home to show our family the first photo of our little one. So exciting!

It was definitely one of the most memorable moment of my mommy-life. Heartwarming and exciting. I was telling Mark about the kicking and moving of arms of the baby during the scan and I saw that he was also very eager to listen. Even before my scan, Mark was absolutely sure that the baby inside me is going to be a boy, and now after the scan, he's more sure that it's gonna be a boy coz of the movement that the baby made during the scan. Told me that it's gonna ba a very naughty boy, just like his dad. Oh no. Whatever it may be, a boy or a girl, we're praying that he/she will be a healthy baby.

Can't wait for the coming months where I can feel the kick of my little one. For sure that would be another memorable milestone.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Mom & Dad Getting Fit

Even before, I was always conscious of how my body would look like. A few sag under my chin or arms, around my thighs and most especially on my belly is a horrible no-no. I have tried everything from dieting, gym sessions, belly dancing, jogging, even starvation (which is really horrible) just to achieve my desired figure. I guess it's not a very healthy regimen.

Mark, on the other hand, has never been conscious about his appearance. Talk about oozing self-confidence. He's got no super-toned body but he love it just the way it is. Good for him.

Since we found out that we're expecting, a lot of changes happened, which is inevitable. We've had many talks about almost anything, especially on my pregnancy. From the purchase of baby items, saving for the future, labour, delivery, waking up every few hours to feed and change the baby, and more endless topics. We both agreed that it'll be a very difficult and tiresome life ahead of us, but definitely worth looking forward to.

So to start off, we vow (hoping to stick to it) to get physically fit before the baby arrives. Since the cold weather doesn't permit us to walk or jog outside, we decided to purchase some exercising tools to help us achieve our goal.

Pull-ups & Pilates

Pull-ups for him while I do some pilates. There's also the elliptical trainer/stationary bike that we purchased last month (i have to take a photo of it and post it here). I sometimes do the elliptical trainer but since it's placed upstairs, I find it too lazy to go up and do it. While the pilates, I can do here at the comfort of my own room. Hopefully after my first trimester, I can eradicate this laziness covering my entire body and exercise more often.

Mark has done the elliptical several times already, he says it's very good for cardio, which I believe I'll be needing during my labour and delivery. He tried the pullups as well, but got body aches after so he hasn't tried it again recently. I told him that he needs to build up his muscles coz he would be carrying the baby around, carrying bags and stuffs if we plan to go out with the baby, and would be doing much more chores when I near my delivery and for the few months that the baby arrives. Poor poor Dad.

As for me, I thought pilates would just be an easy-breezy thing --- wrong! It took every inch of me to do each movement. I'm not even sure if I was doing it the correctly, especially the breathing in and breathing out portion. But I think I have inhaled and exhaled much more air when I did the pilates than my normal days. A good thing. What I observed when I did the pilates is that it relaxed my entire body (I was yawning at the middle of the session, and end up having a very good sleep after), and it eased and released more air from my body (through burping and farting) which helped me big time since I have experienced alot of tummy-bloating the past three months.

Exercising can really do you good. While the equipments we have here are enough to build up for breathing and strength, walking and jogging outside would be much better. Hoping for a much better weather for the months to come.

Stay Fit Everyone!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Midwife Duty Calls

So, earlier today, 12th of March 2013, we had our first Midwife Appointment. Quarter past 10 in the morning at Northwick Park Hospital, level 4 Antenal Clinic.

NP Hospital

We prepared ourselves starting 8 in the morning and we're off to the hospital at 10:15am. Luckily we got at the bus stop in time for the 10:30am bus. Arriving at the hospital, we searched for the Antenatal Clinic referring to the letter which states level 4. When we came face-to-face with the elevator, a big "number 4" was locked before our eyes. We are at level 4 already. Funny, because it seems to me that that level was supposed to be level 1. Maybe there's a basement of some sort. Anyways, we were there and right on time.

There were already a lot of mommys and daddys at the waiting area but still not ver crowded as we get to have a seat. I approached the reception lady and told her about my 10:45am midwife appointment. Asked for my appointment letter, my passport, and I was advised to take one of the empty urine sample bottles in front of me and take a seat.

Appointment Day
I was eager to take alot of photos for my blog, but Mark insisted that I don't. It may be against some rules or something. Observed some of the mommys in the area and watched the show just to pass the time. After 15 minutes, a lady called my name (at first I was hesitant because I wasn't sure it I heard my name correctly), and then she asked for my urine sample. Oopsy, I haven't done it. Thankfully, Mark bought a bottle of water and I started drinking it when we arrived, so my bladder is somewhat full to fill the sample bottle. Approached the same lady after, where she ushered me in one of the rooms and took my blood pressure, height, weight and tested the urine sample. She was a very nice lady, in her 40s I think. I had difficulty in understanding some of her words but I get the sense of the message she's trying to relay.

After that, I was asked to wait again at the waiting area to wait for another call from the reception. Then  my name was again called and I walked towards the reception lady where she asked me to check if the name and birthday on the label is correct. Inquired when my last period was and if I was having any problems during my period. Went back to our seat shortly after.

This time, we waited for about 30 minutes before we were called by another lady. This time it was my midwife. We entered a small room where she and her colleague started asking questions and congratulated us for our first baby. Daniella was one of the midwife, but I forgot the other one (sorry, it was kind of difficult to pronounce). But they're both very nice and compassionate midwives. Daniella was much adept to the system while the other lady was I think just starting with the hospital so she needs Daniella's help while we do our appointment. Both are in their 40-50s, I suppose.

It was a very long and paperwork-full but a non-boring day. I guess I was too excited to get bored. There were many things that were discussed, mostly I didn't even remember. I also permitted to do blood samples for varied tests (HIV, hepa, etc etc etc --- i can't remember most of it). I hate needles, but this one came out nicely, it was a bit painful at first but tolerable. They filled 5 blood sample bottles, placed my details on it and we get to have the results this 20th.

Blood Sample, Yellow Book, Booklet Samples

My personal details and Mark's were taken and also family histories. They also asked about my pregnancy, how I was feeling for the past few months, any bleeding, and so on. Summarizing it all, they told me that I was perfectly healthy and to just continue eating anything in moderation and to exercise to gain more strength in preparation for the delivery. They talked about the available breastfeeding sessions and other pregnancy sessions that are being offered in the hospital, the vaccines that I can take if I wanted to (which will not affect my baby and me), the first scan (Nuchal Scan, a scan for early detection of down's syndrome) that I'll be doing, the succeeding appointments that I'll be having, the different ways and places to give birth and all sort of things. I was also informed that I will be having a shared care -- from the midwives and from the GP. If everything is perfectly normal, the midwife will be handling it and specialized doctors will only come in if something goes wrong.

I was also given a yellow book to take with me every time I visit my GP or midwife. There's also loads of booklets and information leaflets that we're handed to me, which I get to read only a few days after. The session took about 2 hours I think and I was famished when we got out of the clinic. Had a sandwich and a coffee at the nearest hospital cafe and waited for the bus home.

For me it was an exciting experience. I think all of the appointments that I'll be having would be an exciting experience. Talk about the thrill of having a first baby, who wouldn't be awed by that. Come the 20th is our first scan. I'm not really sure what to expect (and I don't want to expect anything), but I'm just ecstatic to be seeing my baby for the first time. Mark is, too. Can't wait!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Bad Hormones

I'm beginning to think that this is not gonna go away any moment soon. What's happening? 

For the past week, I vomited three times, which is not a very nice feeling. Had headaches for days but is very thankful for Mark's head massages that somehow soothes the pain and puts me to sleep. My body was not really in tune with doing anything right now. I had diarrhoea, which is very odd because I've read that usually pregnant women experience constipation rather than diarrhoea. Sometimes, I lose my appetite, but I force myself to eat even a small portion. My superpower senses is way up high -- I can smell, feel, taste and hear everything in a maximum level. Not a very good thing.

I thought since I'm nearing my second trimester, I'll be done with these hormonal changing sickness. I think it's getting worse. Hoping it will be over very soon. I just want to move and eat normal to stay healthy and strong for my little baby.

I feel sorry for Mark because I always make him do things that I myself can do on my own before. Like, getting my robe, charging my gadgets, getting a glass of water, taking my shoes and jacket off, cooking our meal, turning off the lights, and the list goes on. Thankfully, Mark is the epitome of patience and gentleness. Don't worry baby (Mark), I'll make it up to you soon, I promise! I just need to pass through this first trimester and everything will be alright.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Soon-To-Be-Mom Surprise

It's Mark's day-off --- meaning we can snuggle in bed all day long. What a wonderful day to start! But it didn't stop there. I heard a sound from my phone and came a message from Tita Edith and greeted my a Happy Mother's Day. I almost forgot, I am to become a mother very very soon. Oh happy me! I also greeted her and went back to my happy place -- lying on the bed with my husband.

Late in the morning, my tummy went grumbling so we decided to prepare some breakfast. As i opened the door, these got me by surprise!

Mother's Day Surprise from my Housemates!
Aren't they the sweetest! Days before, we were thinking of what to get Tita Edith for Mother's Day, we even wrote messages on a card for her. But I didn't expect that they also have these in store for me. Thank you so much my dear housemates! I'm sure the books will be very handy and the flowers and cards are wonderful.

It's just so heartwarming that those once strangers are now family. Ready to lend a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, a gesture to surprise you. I'm thankful that apart from my family back home and Mark, they are there for Mark & I, especially now that another part of the family is coming. What a great blessing!

Happy British Mother's Day you all! 

Friday, 8 March 2013

Freebies for Mom

Last week I received a booklet from my GP packed with loads of information for mom-to-be, Emma's Diary. A very informative book indeed. Every mom-to-be should have one of these. Details from the stages of pregnancy, down to the essential baby items and other important pregnancy stuffs are nicely written in this little book. It also has a website where you'll find much detailed pregnancy discussions. While browsing through the pages, I bumped into one of its pages with freebies on. Who could resists those things. I read through the page, followed the instructions and was excited to claim my very own freebie.

Book from my GP
The other freebies requires registration with their websites and purchase of some items, but there's this one that needs only the filling up of form and you get to claim your gift pack in any argos or boots store. So i tear up the pages and started filling up the blank pages. It was just yesterday that Mark and I get the chance to walk around Harrow Town Center, so I took the opportunity to visit Boots and claim my gift pack.

My mum-to-be freebie
It looks nice, right. I was awed when I received it because I was expecting just a small bag with maybe a few baby product samples. It may not be as grand as everyone thinks, but it's a nice gesture and it's free. Who wouldn't want that. 

The items included inside the bag are: some leaflets with discounts, 2 pcs disposable breast pad, johnson's baby products (baby booklet, baby wipes, baby oil, baby bath soap, and baby nappy cream), cocoa butter cream for stretch marks and nivea body oil.

I still have another gift pack to claim but I have to wait till I'm on my 27th week. Maybe the items inside that bag will be of use to me during those weeks then. I'm looking forward to having that as well. 

Enjoying Pregnancy!

Monday, 4 March 2013

A Gift From Hubby

Something came in the post today, and it's for me! 

Thank you so much baby! I was telling Mark that I don't need another phone 'cause my blackberry is still in very good condition. But he insisted. Who am I to deny myself of this treat.

So Mark got me my very own Iphone5, which I am very thankful for. I was teasing him that maybe he doesn't want me meddling (which I do alot) with his iphone anymore so he bought me my own. I admit, at first I was very hesitant with the idea of buying another phone. But when I get to pry into the stuffs that this thing can do, I find it hard to put it down. Poor Mr. Blackberry, sitting relentlessly on the side just waiting for his battery to run off to get another recharge. Oopppsss...

My screen
In just a couple of hours, my screen is packed with an assortment of applications. Someone's overly excited. I haven't tried lots of them, but some are my daily companions. I absolutely love the communication apps. Skype, Viber, Tango, Fring, Oovoo, I have them all. I'm very fortunate to have all these kind of media to communication with my family and friends back home. Then there's the social media section: facebook, yahoo and gmails, lookbook, blog, pinterest, and my recent favourite Instagram. 

There's also the games, books and entertainment (radio and tv apps) to keep me sane. Ofcourse, who would leave out photo editors and collage maker in their must have apps. Then there's the very helpful travel guides, maps, bus and train schedules, weather app and all other basic applications. And since we're expecting, I decided to download pregnancy and baby applications that can be handy during my pregnancy and when the baby arrives. 

There are still loads of free applications out there. You just have to find what suits you and your lifestyle.